Remedial Works

ZEaDS Remedial Works

99% of adoption schemes would normally require some remedial works in order to progress to the next stage, i.e., the 12 month mandatory period of maintenance or  final adoption. A typical pre or post maintenance period snagging list would include a mixture of different things like: Vegetation cut back, chipped kerbs, sunk pavement and so on. ZEaDS will not only address these issues for our clients but will also arrange to get the scheme onto maintenance or final adoption accordingly.

Our Process


Pre Start Meeting

We will arrange a pre start meeting with the adopting authority to make sure everyone is on the same page


Remedial Works

We will carry out the works as agreed and will also make sure that the adopting authority is kept abreast of progress


Finial inspection

We will arrange a joint final inspection with the adopting party and  request certificates upon successful works inspection


Why Us?

ZEaDS will work with you to establish and accomplish your goals without breaking the bank

We pride ourselves on our work ethics and commitment to our clients.

We are committed to health and safety and are SafeContractor accredited.

We ensure that every member of our team is CSCS qualified as a minimum and competent to carry out the job.